I first engaged Genem Architects 15 years ago, to create a new learning space out of a tired building...

Nick Karanzoulis / Principal
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The Brief

The community in Beaconsfield Upper were given a BER Project design template, providing half a basket ball court for a budget of $2 million.

The school rejected the template as uneconomical and unsuitable for their needs, and chose to work collaboratively with Genem Architects.

They were given three days by the Director of the DEECD to design an alternative plan. The School Principal and the Director of Genem Architects worked through the weekend to devise a solution which exceeded expectations and was achieved within the allotted budget.

The plan was reluctantly accepted by the DEECD on the proviso that if it failed the responsibility would squarely fall on Genem Architects and the school. This project was completed in November 2010, having successfully achieved its aims within both time and budget.

Project Details


Beaconsfield Upper Primary School


$2 million


Full-sized court.
Including stage, foyer, canteen, conference room, changing room, and toilets.

Achieved budget

Project delivered within budget, November 2010